October 27, 2009

Second day in MMU


Well, it wasn't really my second day today. Me and the rest of the October intake students did have a 3 days "blazing" orientation weekend. It was all fun fun fun to me and I got to know many people here. It was really nice :-)

My first class started yesterday. As familiar as it sounds, the subject was Digital Logic. All those transistors, gates, multiplexers, adders which are still pinned in my mind. The lecturer was an Indian untie (not trying to be disrespect though) Mrs. Shirine or something that sounds similar, ha ha. She has her favorite phrase which is "this &^^% is nothing but ^%%^^". She kept repeating that and I found it quite amusing sometimes :-D Nevertheless, she tried so hard to assist us to understand what were there to understand and she did pretty well. I swear these guys are really lucky to be introduced into the subjects in such easy way.

I'm not telling you a lie - This is the only core subject for my course that I'm taking within this first trimester, which will be comfortably 2 months. I don't wanna make it sounds like I'm so damn free but I am really so damn free!

The other subject being Malaysian Studies. This subject is so interesting that MMU decided to create a 3 hours lecture session for us which I see remarkable appreciation from students by the mean of not showing up. Anyway, the lecture hall today was almost empty half way the session went.

I can opt to join the swimming class, which by the course structure I'm not supposed to. However, I need to find the coach to register manually which I have no idea how. The system, although looks well structured, is actually so damn messy.

Like this one girl I knew today said, I'm gonna fill up my time with a lot of activities. There are so many things I could do here and there are many things I have been wanting to do for so long. So, why not here? Why not now? I'm going into those things sooner or latter :-)

I'm still going back and forth to campus and home by the bike. I plan to move in into the room I am registered to a few days ago very soon. I need to find a study table, anyone got one?

G'nyte Bloggy!

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