December 4, 2011

It's official - we are fat!!!

Today we went to Seri Kembangan Giant Store and measured some stats about our body. Yeah, we learned that we are fat beyond help. So, we decided to put the stats here and put some targets to achieve. We'll give it a month.

Current date : Dec 4, 2011
Deadline : Jan 4, 2011

Here we go!

November 18, 2011

Jquery Mobile

Adroid, The open source Mobile OS.

I asked a friend so that I can join in any project that involves some programming. Programming is a skill set that needs to be nurtured as always as possible, hence why. He introduced to me, sort of, the android developement stuff and I am pretty much, currently, hooked up to it.

Pretty neat stuff. I never actually code Java before. Everything is new to me. This is going to be tough, and I'll just have to like it. I've been doing some readings and tried some examples. I'm not sure how I put it, but as far as I have discovered, there are tonnes of people out there who are very much experts in this field. When you feel like a newbie in any skills, you feel dismotivated. Thanks god that this is Malaysia. Not that many people are good in this stuff, just yet. But I could be wrong. Heck I think I'm wrong. But what the heck, this stuff are interesting, I must say.

I applied for a part time job at the nearby petrol station and was accepted. My first day starts this Saturday. Currently, it's 3 days per week job, from 3pm - 11pm. Yes, it's 8 hours job. I'm not sure yet how much I'm making, but I really do hope that this will give me some motivation to take care of my valueable time each day of the week. And I do hope this will cover my living expenses.

I end this with a quote: Chances are like playing poker. You will get a hand as soon as you fold.

November 12, 2011


Found this years ago. Still recommend it :-)

cold windy rainy day

Step 1.
Make yourself a cup of your favorite drink, a hot coffee, a hot milo?
Step 2.
Open a web browser with 2 tabs and put the sound volume a bit high
Step 3.
Go to on one tab
Step 4.
Go to on the other tab
Step 5.
Sit back, relax, take a sip, close your eyes and enjoy

Top 10 Reasons Marriages Fail

Although this article (not written by me though) is about marriage, it is very applicable to relationship. Okay, except the Sex Problems part. Read the whole thing. This is really a good way to sometimes open up our minds on some things that matter, especially when we're having a difficult time in relationship. Read and reflect, tell me what you think.

1. Financial Problems
For the most part, it is the lack of open communication about money problems that jeopardizes a marriage more than the financial problems alone. Everyone has financial issues concerning bills, debts, spending and budgets. How a couple deals with those issues can make or break a relationship.

2. Communications Problems
If a couple has communication problems prior to marriage, those problems are likely to get worse after tying the knot. It is important that both partners are able to discuss every aspect of married life openly and on a regular basis. A marriage without two-way communication will not last long.

3. Family Problems
Family relationships with children, parents, in-laws, siblings and step-children are all sources of marital problems. Raising children increases stress in the home and can cause minor differences of opinion to become major rifts in a relationship. Discretion is the better part of valor when it comes to family and marriage.

4. Sex Problems
Sex is an important part of marriage and the source of many marriage problems. Every marriage requires the act of consummation by sexual intercourse. Failure to consummate a marriage or problems with sexual frequency, quality, and infidelity are all common reasons for marriage failure and divorce.

5. Friend Problems
Close personal friends of either spouse do not always make the transition to friends of the marriage. Some relationships with friends can be toxic to the marriage if they insert themselves between spouses. A good friend will enhance a married couple’s relationship. People who try to break a marriage apart are not quality friends.

6. Addiction Problems
Drug, alcohol and gambling abuse are all forms of addiction that are very detrimental to a marriage. Even without the presence of physical or verbal abuse, the behavior of an addicted spouse can make normal married life impossible. Addictions are also a common source of money problems in a marriage as well.

7. Abuse Problems
Abuse of any kind is never acceptable in a marriage. Physical and verbal abuse are all too often the causes of a marital break-down. Sexual abuse and emotional abuse also fall into this category. One partner’s desire to degrade their spouse in an ongoing pattern of abuse will surely cause a marriage to fail in time.

8. Personality Problems
There are many kinds of personality traits that can make a couple incompatible and unable to reach agreement in matters concerning sex, intellect and emotion. Partners that have compulsive needs to please or belittle can make honest communication impossible. Negative personality traits make a long-term relationship unbearable and divorce a real possibility.

9. Expectation Problems
The ability to adapt to changes in married life often depends on having realistic expectations about a spouse and the marriage relationship itself. It is common for disillusionment to set in when romantic or other unrealistic expectations are not met. Over time, unmet expectations can generate enough dissatisfaction to make meaningful compromise impossible.

10. Time Problems
Work and home schedules are not always compatible. Time spent apart and time spent together are equally important for maintaining a good married relationship. When time is used in a balanced way, it results in opportunities for growth and harmony. A lot of time spent alone without a corresponding period of quality time spent together puts a lot of stress on a marriage.

To err is human. But to forgive, is divine. Love ya.

November 1, 2011

stay motivated

Stay motivated, young lad. Know your strength, fight off your weaknesses.

Win everyday

October 11, 2011

Nasi Lemak buatan Bangi :D

Ini bukan saya buat. Saya buat lagi huru-hara, haha
Oh yeah it's the semester break and I pretty much have nothing else to do. I didn't go back to Kemaman this time. I thought I could stay here in Bangi for a while because practically I wasn't living here during the study weeks. I wasn't busy with anything in particular, just filling up my free time learning stuff I wanted to learn during the study weeks. Websites, land buying, home buying, small business, all those future shit.

I promised to the princess that I'll make her Nasi Lemak and go picnic with her somewhere with it. I tried out on one of the recipe I found online and what can I say......I can cook! (self confident level is 120% at this moment). I just need to put less onion.....and use Tamarind Juice, not the Tamarind Paste all the way...

Here is the recipe:
Bahan untuk nasi :-
@ 2 cawan beras
@ 1 cawan santan n 1 cawan air( jun guna 1/2 cwn santan pekat n 1 1/2 cwn air)
@ 1 helai daun pandan - disimpul
@ 3 hirisan halia
@ secubit garam

Bahan untuk sambal :-
* 6 sudu besar cili kering mesin
* 4 ulas bawang merah -ditumbuk
* 2 ulas bawang putih -ditumbuk
* 1 biji bawang besar -dihiris
* segenggam ikan bilis (dibasuh, separuh darinya ditumbuk)
* sedikit air asam jawa
* sedikit belacan
* garam n gula

Bahan sampingan lain :-
Ikan bilis goreng, telur rebus dan timun.

1.Campur semua bahan untuk nasi dan masak seperti nasi biasa.
2.Tumis bawang besar, masukkan bawang2 yg ditumbuk, cili mesin, belacan dan ikan bilis yg ditumbuk..hingga sedikit garing dan pecah minyak.
3.Masukkan air asam dan separuh lagi ikan bilis yg sudah dibersihkan tadi.
4.Masukkan garam n gula. Masak sehingga agak pekat.

p/s : Princess, this is for you. Don't tell me I don't work on anything for you, ever! :P

September 8, 2011

Dalam hati kita sabar

Nothing is unbearable in this life. Deal with it.

January 26, 2011


I'm lying if I say I don't think about what you were saying last night. Sorry I can't just ignore them.

It hits me.

All the past years...., I don't know :(

But thanks for being honest, I need that

January 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Nurul Aliffah

That Sunday was one of the best thing that ever happened to me. Happy twenty-first!
I love you, sayang.

January 18, 2011


You don't like me saying anything that sounds sweetish and I'm trying my best not to. 
But I'm dedicating this song to you anyway.
You'll find this on your own and you'll know I wasn't just being sweet.

Thanks for making me feel so blessed. And I truly meant that.

January 14, 2011

The sweetest

You're the sweetest.

and you're telling me I am being sweet? :P

January 9, 2011


I meant every love and every miss.

January 6, 2011

No word

She cried when she felt like I don't trust her after all.

It hurts, when I do so much.

Do you know, you make me feel like my past is just.....simply the past.

While the present is just unbelievable.

And the future? :-)

January 2, 2011

New year

....and the hated New Year Resolutions :)

I had this silly argument with one of my close friend the other day (silly, since it brings us to actually nowhere) about why would people be making new year resolutions. Well, my friend hate it. To him, it brings no good. To him, you just f*cking walk the talks. Actions speak louder than words. Well done is better than well said. Et cetera. 

I didn't say he was wrong.

To celebrate is to have fun
I couldn't be wrong to say many people failed to keep their resolutions last year. And also the year before and the years before. Hehe. But on the other side of the coin, there should be many people who actually accomplished just about everything they had on their list. So, I ask myself, why being pessimistic?

And then, people asked, why would you need to wait until the 1st of Jan to do something, or to stop doing something? Well you don't have too!

Having a list of your new year resolutions doesn't mean you have to justify yourself to anyone why do you wanna have one, why you failed to keep the previous year's, why not putting something else on the list and so forth. Why bother? No one actually really care, really! Nevertheless, putting a "be a top scorer in every subject" on the list without actually touching the books doesn't make any sense at all, does it?

The idea is (okay, my idea, actually) is to keep it simple, to keep it do-able, to keep it specific and to have fun, enjoyable. I never made a single list of new year resolutions ever in my life before and this year, I beg to differ. I guess my number one new year resolution is already concluded! - making the list.

Raf's NYR

1. Make a list. Done (yeay me! :P)

2. Losing some more weight, hopefully about 70kg or less. Currently at 73kg. (See, that's so do-able!)

3. Fasting for at least twice per month. InsyaAllah

4. Getting a CGPA of 3.5 or more (currently at 3.3) And getting her a 3.2 or more. Dudette, embrace the free tuitions! :P

5. Paying at least half of my debts that I owe to my friends using my own pocket money. I have the list. Basketballs and all, I could't resist the temptations to join the tourneys and most of the time, friends didn't mind paying for me first. What a life, kan?

6. Writing at least twice per month, with or without a pc. Hehe

7. Remembering all my lovely sisters's, brother's, mom's and dad's birthday. I'm never good with numbers, really.

8. Running a marathon!

9. Donating blood at least one! The red book is so empty!

10. Have a game where I score 20 points or more.

Okay, no 10 is the least do-able of all but it's still not impossible. One teh tarik if I cross it off the list. Any takers?

P/S : I'm just kidding with no 1 Hahaha. Happy new year. God bless us all with happiness in this life and hereafter.

January 1, 2011


When you're not looking for one, there it is

Kenapa - Daus

P/S : 1 dedicated  :P