March 7, 2014

Windows App developement with Afiq

Me and Afiq were in charge of developing the App for the Innovate Malaysia design competition. In short, we need to build the similar version of Android App for Windows Platform. As I have been familiarizing my self with the dark side of the phone's Bluetooth development, developing for Windows Phone becomes rather easy for me.

Afiq started the work early as I was still busy developing the Android version. Below is one of his screenshots. Nice experience, eh? Maybe one of us will end up being a developer one day.

March 5, 2014

Error from using Android libraries

The logcat states something in the line

Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list
It means we have two jar files, one from the project and the other one from the included library.
Delete the one in the current project folder (/libs). As long as the library stays included, this should be fine.

credit : StackOveflow