Lesson learned - recovery for (rm -rf *) is almost impossible.
The good thing is that I worked on the project over the weekend, so some stuff are still fresh in my mind. But first, I am going to create back up and automate it for every 2 hours because I am paranoid like that. I am going to leave the backup on my desktop.
In Solus, cron is not installed by default and they use systemd/Timers (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd/Timers) instead for replacement.
Create a file named as backup-workspace.service in /etc/systemd/system
cd /etc/systemd/system sudo touch backup-workspace.serviceAdd in the following using your favorite text editor:
# Systemd # Service (/etc/systemd/system/backup-workspace.service) [Unit] Description=automatically backup workspace [Service] ExecStart=tar -cvpzf /home/raf/Desktop/Workspace-backup.tar.gz /home/raf/Workspace # Timer (/etc/systemd/system/backup-workspace.timer) [Unit] Description=Runs backup-workspace service every hour [Timer] # Time to wait after booting before we run first time OnBootSec=1min # Time between running each consecutive time OnUnitActiveSec=1h Unit=backup-workspace.service [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target I created an alias/shortcut key to do the backup manually too by editing my ~/.bashrc file.alias backup="tar -cvpzf /home/raf/Desktop/Workspace-backup.tar.gz /home/raf/Workspace"