2. Get the remote repository Web URL by pressing the "Clone or Download" button (coloured green). It looks like this : https://github.com/iserifith/ScoreBoard.git
3. Open Terminal and go to your local project folder where you have the files you have been working on.
4. Initialize the local project folder as a Git repository using the following command :
git init
5. Add the files in the project folder into "local git repository" - this is called "staging".
git add .
Note : This does not connect to "remote git repository". Understand the difference between local and remote git repository.
6. Commit the files that you've staged in your local repository.
git commit -m "First commit"
7. Now we set so that our local repository are linked to the remote repository. This command set the remote repository as the "origin".
git remote add origin {remote repository Web URL}
Example : git remote add origin https://github.com/iserifith/ScoreBoard.git
8. Verify that our remote repository are linked properly using
git remote -v
It will prompt you something like this :
origin https://github.com/iserifith/ScoreBoard.git (fetch)
origin https://github.com/iserifith/ScoreBoard.git (push)
git push origin master
Extra :
Now, to make sure you keep updated Github with your work, all you need to are 3 steps :
1. Add all files (staging)
git add .
2. Commit
git commit -m "I did some changes"
3. Push to Github (remote repository)
git push origin master