February 5, 2016

[SSRS] Clear Report Data Cache easily

Some changes on your SSRS report weren't being reflected when you run it, especially when you made changes on the SP.

Why? SSRS kept a data cache file of the report when you first ran it. By running the report again, sometimes SSRS only retrieves the data cache file instead of actually running the report entirely again. I think this is only the case when you made changes structurally (getting new data column, maybe?) on your SP.

Let's create a shortcut to remove these files :

Go to Tools > External Tools

Add a new tool with the following settings:

      Title: Clear Report Data Cache
Command: "%WinDir%\System32\cmd.exe" Arguments: /C DEL /S /Q "$(SolutionDir)\*.rdl.data"
Check options: Use Output window & Close on exit

Now you can run it. Just to Tools > Clear Report Data Cache 

You can check the output window

Credit Jason Faulkner