February 15, 2014

Thesis : Chap 1 & Chap 2

We have a meeting on Jan 24th where we were asked to submit our first draft for both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the thesis two weeks after. These are the points jotted down by me during the meeting.

 Chapter 1: Introduction (4 pages) – get the some content from slide!

  • Focus on scope – mention the motivation
  • Current market of AC system – what is available? How far the systems being used?
  • Problems with current AC system
  • How the problems can be solved, in relation to the scope
  • Then, the objective of the project which is proposed, in order to solve the problems
  • Mention the novelty of the project

Chapter 2:Lit. Review (15 pages)

  • Focus on Bluetooth/Smartphone used for AC system
  • Quote examples – highlight advantages and problems – some analysis, why people use the system? The good and the bad from user’s perspective – relate to the situation in Malaysia, with data support - why people don’t use or didn’t try to use
  • Then, highlight specific functions - related to CMS. How CMS is integrated with AC system, along with Smartphone and Bluetooth
  • Discussion, which lead to the Chapter 3: Design and Implementation

February 14, 2014

Motivation, Novelty

I need to remind myself again and again about these two things. The concept is not hard to understand, but often it's easy to get confused.

Motivation - What drives us to put efforts in developing the proposed project?
  • What are the problems/limitations/situation in relation to the current existing solutions?
  • Why such problems/limitations/situation are of importance, that it requires 'solving'? Narrow it down into a specific scope..
Novelty - What is the uniqueness of the proposed project?
  • What are the 'new stuff' that we are proposing via the project? 
  • How are they different from the current existing solutions? (must highlight how the existing solutions do not have the 'new stuff' that we are proposing)
  • Why are they importance? Why they are needed? Explain with help of scenarios within the aforementioned scope, go into details as necessary. 

Raf Progress 11-17 Feb 2014

Date: 11 - 17 Feb 2014

Objectives (what did you planned to do?):
1. Writing/Revising for the 2nd draft of Literature Review.
2. Begin writing the introduction part of the thesis
3. App should be able to send photo to another phone via the same App
4. Write Steganography embedding using libpng (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/581298/PNG-Image-Steganography-with-libpng).

Efforts done (what did you do?):
1. Finished the 1st draft of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the thesis
2. App is able to send photo to another phone via the App

Objective for next week:
1. Revise Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
2. Begin writing the Chapter 3:Design and Implementation
3. App function : sending a photo to another phone via the second method (direct stream)
4. Write Steganography embedding using libpng (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/581298/PNG-Image-Steganography-with-libpng)

February 3, 2014

Raf Progress 27 Jan-2 Feb 2014

Date: 27 Jan-2 Feb 2014

I went back to Terengganu for a week with the hope to do some writing and home cleanups after the recent flood. However, a bad fever caught me and I spent literally 5 days resting. The family outing during the following weekend topped it up and I was officially having a week work-free :D

Nevertheless, I did went through some more related papers to help me to get going with the thesis.

Objectives (what did you planned to do?):
1. Writing/Revising for the 2nd draft of Literature Review.
2. Begin writing the introduction part of the thesis
3. App should be able to send photo to another phone via the same App
4. Write Steganography encoding using libpng (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/581298/PNG-Image-Steganography-with-libpng).

Efforts done (what did you do?):
1. Fever. Not much to consider them efforts at all.

Objective for next week:
Continue from last week.
1. Writing/Revising for the 2nd draft of Literature Review.
2. Begin writing the introduction part of the thesis
3. App should be able to send photo to another phone via the same App
4. Write Steganography encoding using libpng (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/581298/PNG-Image-Steganography-with-libpng)