October 11, 2011

Nasi Lemak buatan Bangi :D

Ini bukan saya buat. Saya buat lagi huru-hara, haha
Oh yeah it's the semester break and I pretty much have nothing else to do. I didn't go back to Kemaman this time. I thought I could stay here in Bangi for a while because practically I wasn't living here during the study weeks. I wasn't busy with anything in particular, just filling up my free time learning stuff I wanted to learn during the study weeks. Websites, land buying, home buying, small business, all those future shit.

I promised to the princess that I'll make her Nasi Lemak and go picnic with her somewhere with it. I tried out on one of the recipe I found online and what can I say......I can cook! (self confident level is 120% at this moment). I just need to put less onion.....and use Tamarind Juice, not the Tamarind Paste all the way...

Here is the recipe:
Bahan untuk nasi :-
@ 2 cawan beras
@ 1 cawan santan n 1 cawan air( jun guna 1/2 cwn santan pekat n 1 1/2 cwn air)
@ 1 helai daun pandan - disimpul
@ 3 hirisan halia
@ secubit garam

Bahan untuk sambal :-
* 6 sudu besar cili kering mesin
* 4 ulas bawang merah -ditumbuk
* 2 ulas bawang putih -ditumbuk
* 1 biji bawang besar -dihiris
* segenggam ikan bilis (dibasuh, separuh darinya ditumbuk)
* sedikit air asam jawa
* sedikit belacan
* garam n gula

Bahan sampingan lain :-
Ikan bilis goreng, telur rebus dan timun.

1.Campur semua bahan untuk nasi dan masak seperti nasi biasa.
2.Tumis bawang besar, masukkan bawang2 yg ditumbuk, cili mesin, belacan dan ikan bilis yg ditumbuk..hingga sedikit garing dan pecah minyak.
3.Masukkan air asam dan separuh lagi ikan bilis yg sudah dibersihkan tadi.
4.Masukkan garam n gula. Masak sehingga agak pekat.

p/s : Princess, this is for you. Don't tell me I don't work on anything for you, ever! :P